How to Add Publications
Some Agencies are required to list, or just like to have it listed where they have their bids published. Some examples include your own website, local newspapers, or other procurement platforms. It is very easy to add these to your projects in Demandstar so that anyone interested can find that info quickly and conveniently.
When you create a new bid, after you complete the first few steps you will encounter the Publications section. Here you can add which ever and how ever many additional publications you want.
When on this page click "Add Publication", fill in the publication's title field, and click "Save". Please note that adding Publications here will not hyperlink or URL for others to be redirected. They are simply for informative purposes.
You can always add Publications to bids as you create them each time, but if you use the same publication frequently you can also add them to your system so that they're applied automatically, saving you time.
First click your profile name at the top right, and then select "Bid Configuration" from the dropdown. Once the section has loaded, select the "Publications" tab next to "Bid Types" and "eBidding Documents". From here you can click a similar looking "Add Publication" button, then fill in the same title field and click save. Remember these will be enabled by default on any new bids so please add ones that you know are very common or for every bid you do.
Check out the video below for a visual walkthrough of everything covered in this article:
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