How do I update the documents on my vendor profile after registration?
Some purchasing organizations require that certain documents, such as certifications, be uploaded to your vendor record on Bonfire before you can bid on opportunities.
These documents will often be required when you set up your account for the first time. If a document expires, or if you want to add a document after the registration process has been completed, you can manage your documents using the following steps:
1. Sign into the purchasing portal and click on Settings located in the top right of your display.
2. Once you've clicked Settings, you can then click on Organization Vendor Record on the sidebar to the left and then the Documents tab. You should then be able to see what documents can be uploaded and click the Upload File... button to enter or replace a document.
3. After clicking Upload File... you will be able to search your computer for the file you wish to upload and select the date the file would expire (if applicable) then click Upload to save.
These Document Slots will also show if your documents Need Verification, are Near Expiry, or Expired. Documents that Need Verification will be verified by the Purchasing Organization.
Note: Even if you have documents that show Need Verification, you may still continue to navigate through the Organization's Portal as normal and submit to bids.
If you'd like to delete any of the documents, click on the small arrow to the left to expand the list of documents you have under a Document Slot, find the document you would like to delete, and then select Actions -> Delete. A confirmation will pop up; click OK to proceed:
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