How to Add/Remove Keywords and Excluded Keywords for Premium Vendors
With Bonfire Premium Vendor, you have the ability to add Keywords to your profile which will search through the title and description of opportunities posted. These Keywords will be used as an additional search parameter when determining your recommended opportunities. Adding or removing any Keyword selections will update your recommended opportunities.
After logging in, you can access Keywords within your account settings as shown below:
Wildcard and exact matches work in both search and keyword matching. Using “ “ will result in exact matches for both searches and keywords. To add Keywords in bulk, you can separate each word with a comma in the text box.
Note that after selecting the Add button your Keywords will save automatically.
Excluded Keywords
Adding an excluded keyword will remove any recommendations that contain that term in title or description. It will affect commodity code recommendations as well - it will remove recommendations generated by commodity codes if they contain the excluded term
To remove Keywords or Excluded Keywords on your account, select the Remove option located to the right of the Keyword.
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