How can I tell if my Submission has been completed?
If you are unsure whether or not your submission has been sent, and would like to see the status of your submission, please follow the below instructions:
1) After logging in, click on Submissions at the top of the Portal page.
2) You'll be met with 3 tabs: Work-in-Progress, Completed and Missed.
If the Project is still in Open status and your submission is not complete, it will show under Work-In-Progress.
In all project statuses (Open, Closed, or Awarded), all successful submissions for that Organization will show up under Completed.
If you've not successfully submitted, and the project is Closed, all projects that have been missed for that Organization will show up under Missed.
Upon completion of submission, you will also receive a submission receipt as well. The subject line will be "[Project Name] Submission Receipt". A submission receipt will be sent to the email that was used to upload the submission. Here's an example of an emailed submission receipt:
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