Standard Vendors
- How do I confirm my account?
- Which domains and email addresses should be whitelisted in order to access Bonfire from my secure institution?
- What is a DUNS number and how do I get one?
- What is my Vendor ID?
- What does "Business Certified as Veteran Owned" mean?
- What is a CONCORD number and how do I obtain one?
- Quick Guide to Commodity Codes for Vendors
- How do I update the documents on my vendor profile after registration?
- How do I reset my password?
- Can I add a second email address to my vendor profile?
- How do I change my email address?
- Why am I seeing a “You cannot use this password” error?
Opportunity Notifications
Opportunity Access
- How do I access an opportunity that my colleague can view?
- How do I log into or out of my Bonfire account?
- Where do I download the documents for the opportunity?
- What do I do if my account is disabled?
- How can I view an opportunity that I was invited to?
- Why can't I access the opportunity documents without registering?
- How do I Unsubscribe from Public Notices?
- How do I contact the Project Owner?
- How do I receive bid notifications only in my area/region?
- How do I unsubscribe from Bonfire Opportunity Notifications?
- Why am I not receiving emails?
- How do I send an attachment?
Creating a Submission
- How do I find my submission confirmation?
- How do I withdraw my submission?
- Creating and Uploading a Submission
- How do I fill out a Questionnaire template?
- How do I fill out a BidTable template?
- Why can't I upload a file for my submission?
Submission Troubleshooting
- Can I revise my submission?
- The In-Browser BidTable is showing as "Not Fetched"
- I missed the project's deadline, can I still submit?
- Why do I need a password to fill out BidTables and Questionnaires?
- Why does a "file type" error appear when I try to upload my document?
- Why can't I download the documents I uploaded for my Submission?